Rice bran oil

     Rice bran oil World's rice or rice bran oil is a truly unique oil. Product pressing or extraction of rice bran is a high quality oil, which has the best balance of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is an essential dietary product of high biological value, and versatile cosmetic skin care and hair care. 


     Rice “Basmati” is grown at the foot of the Himalayas in northern India and its bordering areas with Pakistan.The word “Basmati” in Hindi means “aromatic”.It is believed that white and long-grain rice has its unique taste and smell thanks to special soil, climate and even the air in the region.In the east, rice is often cooked using different spices.



     Aromatic long-grain white Jasmine rice is cultivated in Thailand. Thanks to special climate and growing technology Jasmine rice has a flavour and individual delicate taste. It is widely used in oriental cuisine, especially Southeast Asia. This is a special variety of rice that has a delicate and almost milky smell.When cooking, grains of Jasmine rice stick together a bit, but at the same time they retain their perfect shape and become dazzling white. The most appropriate method of cooking this aromatic rice is so-called “under cover”.


Long Grain Thailand

     Long grain rice - this is a classic high-quality rice from Thailand, has undergone all stages of grinding. Its grains have a flat and smooth surface, typical snow-white color and translucency. This minimum amount of rice (2-3%) of polygonal grains. The content of vitamins and minerals, white rice or parboiled brown loses rice, but he is the main type of rice, is used throughout the world.




     Egyptian rice, offered by our company, is also widely known as Camolino - a real gem among the different rice varieties.
     Because of pre-processing with oil Camolino becomes magical pearly, gets unique taste and smell and is enriched by various nutrients. Unlike other short-grain varieties of rice, Camolino does not stick together when cooked and becomes slightly glutinous and delicate.


Wild & Brown

     It is difficult for people who watch after their health to overestimate the advantages of rice “Natural”. One of the successful combinations of rice is a mix of natural and wild rice.

     Cooked mix of rice “Wild+Natural” is not as soft as white rice, but it is good for cooking all the dishes, cooked using white rice. At the same time, the risk that rice may be overcooked is greatly reduced.



     It is also called brown rice. It is unpolished, peeled only from the husk. It is the least processed type of rice and at the same time it is the most valuable rice in terms of nutritional value. While processing, natural rice preserves the nutritional bran coat and that explains its unusual and light brown colour. It is much healthier than white rice because the lion's share of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and cellulose are contained in grain coat.

     Being cooked, rice “Natural” has a slightly viscous structure, excellent taste and a slightly nutty smell.

Long Grain Vietnam

     Rice is the bedrock of Vietnamese cuisine.

    There are hundreds of kinds of rice beginning from the usual rice and ending with the glutinous or very exotic black or red rice.Rice for Vietnam people is not just food but its history, culture, cult and self-consciousness of the nation.

    Nowadays rice has become a staple of three-quarters of people worldwide.


Wild & Parboiled

     Wild rice differs from planting rice with a large number of nutrients, vitamins and fibre. Grains of wild rice are very long, dark-brown or black and have smooth shiny surface. Wild rice is valued for its nutty taste; it is used for cooking salads, soups, main courses and snacks, filling and even desserts. It is especially delicious as a garnish to dishes together with rice “Parboiled+Natural”.

     Cooking time of the rice “Wild+Parboiled” is 30 minutes, nevertheless rice mix is crumbly.



     Raw rice is soaked in water and then treated with hot steam under pressure. After that the grains are dried and polished using high-technology equipment. As a result processed rice grains become amber yellow. Thus an elite rice variety “Parboiled” come into being.Yellowish tint of parboiled rice disappears when cooking and the rice becomes snow-white, like white polished rice.

     Cooking time of the rice is 20-25 minutes just because the grains become harder after processing and as a result they are boiled soft slower than ordinary rice.
